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Mr. Pine's Purple House - giveaway

Leonard Kessler's Mr. Pine's Purple House was my favorite book when I was a kid.

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It's the story of a man who lives in a little white house...

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...that sits among 50 other little white houses, all in a row.

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When Mr. Pine plants a pine tree in his yard so that he can more easily tell which house is his, his neighbors think it's such a great idea that they all do the exact same thing. So he plants a bush next to the pine tree, and the next day he wakes to find that yet again his house is no longer unique. Eventually, they all work it out and everyone gets to show his or her individuality. Or at least their house color preference. Ha.

I started looking for this book a couple of years ago so that I could get it for V, but it was really hard to find. When I did find it, it was outrageously expensive. Purple House Press to the rescue! Their mission is to "revive long lost, but well loved children's books." I can get behind that (*wink* to R!). When I found their website the other night, I noticed that they sell remainders at a discount and I had to get one. In fact, I got two. One for me and one for you! These books have a small black remainder line, but otherwise are in absolutely perfect condition (I'm all about a deal).

So if you would like the chance to win my second copy, please leave a comment by Tuesday, October 14th, at 11:59pm EST. If you blog about my giveaway on your blog, I will enter your name twice (leave two separate comments, if you would be so kind). And if you come over to my house and help me finish unpacking, you can have any of my books that you want and I'll bake you cookies. (Just kidding about that last part. Sort of.) I will announce the winner on Wednesday. Best of luck! International entries welcome.


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This looks like a great book! I love reading to my kids, especially books that are favorites from my childhood.


we JUST read this book last night! I have my old copy and Finn loves it! I am going to Kirtsy this. I tried to DM you - but you unfollowed me on twitter!! :(
LOVE the book!!!!!If I won, I would give it away to a wee one in my fam.

Naomi in Ohio

Darling book! I've never heard of it before ... but will be posting about it as well on my blog!

Naomi in Ohio

here's a link to my blog posting:


Holy cow! That was my favorite book as a kid too. I had completely forgotten about it until just now. Thanks :)


WOW! I love that book too! I would love to read it to my kiddos :)


wow ... i love the look of that book.. I have never heard of it (I am in australia) but I grew up reading "The Big Orange Splot" which has a similar story.. a man in a row of neat houses paints his house all crazy colours after some birds drop a can of orange paint on his roof...the people arent happy that his house is different

I took the book from my mothers and read it to my girls now.. and they love it too

no problems if you dont post to australia.. but this give away is just too cute not to be a part of


:) wish i could come and help you unpack


I'm very excited to learn of that website. My husband has a favorite book from his childhood (Is There a Mouse in the House?) and we have a very worn and well-loved copy. We could really use another because this one is so fragile that we actually avoid reading it too much...

Fighting Windmills

Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks!
Here's what my daughter has to say:

"Dear Maya and V, we would like to win the book. I like the pictures of the purple house. I think this looks like a fun story. I think it could be easy to read. ~M"


Sounds like a great book!!

And if I lived closer, I would surely help you unpack!!

Kam A

I have never heard of this book before- I would love to read it to my boys!

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com


I'm a visitor to your blog, saw your comments on SouleMama's page, and I just had to enter myself. So ... put me in!


We love books!!! I will link to you tomorrow!


We would love, love, love, this book. ALL of our books are packed in storage.
Too bad we don't live closer, I would help you unpack.

Kim Payne

Pick me, pick me! I'll put you on my little blog too.

My favorite was The Color Kittens, which Lydia is loving right now.


who doesn't love a purple house, plus it is kellen's fave color. here's hoping!


How wonderful that you're giving this book. It was one of my all-time favorites as a kid (tied with, of course, The Monster at the End of the Book). I am not interested in entering -- I have my own copy and I'd hate to infringe on someone else's chance to get this.

I'm pulling out my copy tonight for bedtime reading. :)


I would come over and unpack just for something fun to do.. (not that I wouldn't eat the cookies right now mind you. ha ha) busy work how I kind of miss it... okay I will give it a go. look for post # 2...


thar it is...


one of my all-time faves... thanks for the chance! :)


I remember that story so fondly


Oooh...I've been thinking about doing some kind of giveaway at my blog too. Great idea! Adorable book. I need to go check out that site.


Ok, one more comment at your blog today! Sheesh.
Here's my blogpost about your blogpost.;)


Who can resist a good, old book?

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