We have a winner!
04 November 2008
With just 9 entries to choose from, I let V pick the winner of the contest to guess the artist/title of the song in my banner - and she picked Amy of commonplace. The song is called "Winter" and it's by Tori Amos - it's one of my favorite songs on my playlist.com player in my sidebar.
Congratulations to Amy!
I may not do a contest every month, but I'm sure I will do it again soon, so if you didn't win but wish you had, be sure to come back and visit - you never know when the mood will strike me.
I've been looking at your header photo and thinking that it looked like a glass tiara. Alas, it is but a bowl. A very pretty bowl, though! Congrats to the winner. =)
Posted by: Toni | 04 November 2008 at 07:01 PM
Oh, my gosh, I'm a Tori Amos fan from way back and have just about all of her albums. How I missed this, I have no idea. I blame it on the nasty cold I have--my thinking has been a little cloudy!
Congrats to the winner! What a fun giveaway.
Posted by: Julia @ Hooked on Houses | 07 November 2008 at 10:54 AM