She don't ever worry 'bout what's gone
Red roof

Things you'll find in our new yard

My granddaddy was born and lived right around the corner from here, so I'm thinking of him a lot since we moved in. The other day, V and I walked around outside the new/old yard. I looked at the trees and the sky and thought, these are the trees and the sky that he used to see.

cedar tree

I've been thinking of a joke that he used to tell me.

ford truck

Three young boys are sitting on a log. The first one says, "My instinct tells me I'm going to be a great doctor when I grow up." The second boy says, "Hmph! My instinct tells me I'm going to be a great lawyer when I grow up." The third boy scratches his head and thinks for a minute and then says, "Well, my end stinks too, but it don't tell me nothin'!"

Granddaddy loved that joke.

tractor 3

When my granddaddy was a kid, they would drive the wagon over to the nearby church (though probably not the original building, the church is still there and I'll be taking photos of it as soon as I can). Once, they were there at a revival - he was probably around 7 years old or so - and he got sleepy, so his mom told him to go lay out in the wagon.

tractor 1

It was a stifling hot summer evening so he decided it'd be much nicer to lay on the ground in the cool grass. He fell asleep and didn't wake when everyone started to leave. He didn't realize he had fallen asleep under someone else's wagon and they ran over him, breaking both his legs. And that's the reason Granddaddy said he never served in the military.

Olden times were rough, weren't they?

tractor 2

V is getting sick or something. Stuffed up and red, itchy eyes. Kind of looks like allergies to me, but I'm going to remain in denial about that possibility. I have terrible allergies and I so hope she doesn't get them.

R took her to meet Santa at the mall yesterday. They got the cutest picture. She told him that she wants a baby doll. I think Santa can swing that.

v new yard 034


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I love your new banner. I find pomegranates magical. The seeds are like little jewels. I loved to hear about your grandaddy, and I hope V. doesn't have allergies!

spread your wings

great new look to your blog. and oh i love the stories - funny joke; sad tale about the broken legs. V is the cutest little thing ever. I know she'll get her little baby doll from Santa.

i want to go cut open my pomegranate now and eat those jewel seeds.


Making the most of a rough situation I see.


I love the country pictures - tractors and old pickups! Blessings on your new home!

sarah jane

you make the most amazing things out of what might be so ordinary to others. lovely!


wow - I was actually startled to see color on your blog! These photos are lovely. Sad story about the broken legs, though.

I hope V escapes the allergies.

Gorgeous banner. Pomegranates do look like ruby red jewels, don't they!


Lovely photos as always. I love that joke too. The broken legs...oh I can't imagine how horrible!

Hope V feels better soon.


Love your photos! My husband restored an old 8N Ford Tractor many years ago!

V is such a cutie. I hope she doesn't have allergies, and I hope Santa has a baby doll in his bag for her!


She is the cutest thing. How are you doing with the move?


love pomegranate. love the green. very simply festive Maya. And thanks for the stories about your grandpa.


Great captures - love that old Ford pickup. Your header reminds me of when I was in grade school. There was a pomegranate tree on the walk home from school and about once a year I'd pick one from the tree - I know, I'm a thief!! The seeds were so good, but it was so hard getting to them!


The granddaddy joke is too cute. But I can't believe his legs got run over like that! Wow. That's so cute that your little girl asked for a doll. How precious. :)


hey maya glad to see you back and get updates..i love the new banner.


Love the layout of your blog and your photos are lovely. I'm curious, did you consider other blog hosts? What made you pick this one?


Oh my gosh, your poor Grandaddy! Looks like he retained a good sense of humor in spite of that early trauma!
I love the "rusty and crusty" look of the photos



love the tour.....


A beautiful babydoll sounds perfect. Hooray for Santa!

I love the photos and the joke. Can't wait to tell my step-dad, he loves those kind of jokes! What a sad story about your granddaddy. There IS something mystical about being places where you family has been for years...a connection of place. Looks like you are finding some magic in this transition. May you continue to be blessed....


Look at all your comment love! May V get her baby for Christmas and love it like you love her. She's a sweetie.

Glad you're back... Missed you.


I love your new / old yard that car looks really interesting. You granddaddy joke was funny and made me laugh. I hope V get well before Christmas and Santa is kind to her.


I love your new / old yard that car looks really interesting. You granddaddy joke was funny and made me laugh. I hope V get well before Christmas and Santa is kind to her.


Sounds like you are settling in. Love the red Ford logo photo! V is a darling.

lisa e.

oooh, both Little I and A are getting rid of colds, and guess who has one now?!!! I hate being sick! Anyway, I hope V is getting a little cold and not allergies, they are a pain, I have them and hate them. But I guess I shouldn't complain the worse allergy is the one my Little I has...peanut allergy!!!!! Now that is a scary one! My poor Little I.

Glad you our out there taking wonderful pictures of your new, but old surroundings. Loved the story. Memories, aren't they wonderful?


hey. i came over from red or grey. i love your granddaddy's joke, thats hilarious! and the picture of you little girl adorable!

robin bird

you are going to be finding stories to tell us for years to come girl. keep it're home. for good, bad or some point in between.

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