Old barn

An awesome day & book & giveaway

Don't hate me, but it's 65 degrees here today. So we went outside to play.

Check out that sunshine and the lovely breeze...

v drawing and reading outside 112

We took out V's beanbag, some pencils/crayons and paper, and An Awesome Book to read.

v drawing and reading outside 006

I plan on doing a lot more of this, at least until it gets really hot - it's much more fun than drawing and reading inside.

v drawing and reading outside 094

I was a lucky ducky and got Dallas Clayton to send me his book, An Awesome Book.

v drawing and reading outside 049

I especially like the drawings - very detailed. V says they're silly and lots of fun.

v drawing and reading outside 044

The message of the book is to be sure to dream. Without dreams, life would be megaboring.

So true.

v drawing and reading outside 056

V likes to dream about playing with lots of kittens and puppies. I like to dream that I can fly.

v drawing and reading outside 068

And because he's a nice guy, Dallas has offered me two signed books to give away. Wanna win one? You've got up to four chances, but I ain't your momma, so you're responsible for following the rules:

For one point: leave a comment, telling me what you like to dream about.
For one point: twitter a link to this post and then come back and leave me a comment with a link to your twitter post.
For two points: write a post on your own blog, mentioning the contest and linking to this post and then come back and leave me two comments. Yes, two comments - this will make it so much easier for me.

Contest deadline is Wednesday, February 18, at midnight and I'll announce the winner on Thursday, February 19.

Good luck!


I entered this post at Julia's Hooked on Fridays party. Come on and join us!


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NL Kohrman

I like to dream about flowers. Digging in the dirt, growing them, taking pictures of them, giving them away, and writing stories about them. Aaahhhh!

NL Kohrman

So I RT'd your tweet! and I have sent the link to my DD to read, get excited about and blog about!

Lindsay Ernst

Fantastic book, my kids would love it! I love to dream about weddings. I'm a photographer so I dream about all the little details of special days.


Lately I've been dreaming about drinking a beer on the beach on a tropical island!

Camille Dawn WIlson

Fun!! The sneak peek of the book looks fantastic! Side question - where did you get V's dress? It's fantastic!

maya | springtree road

@camille - i blogged about that dress here.


that book is awesome! what a fun contest!
i like to dream about vacations in the mountains - good friends, family, a campfire, maybe some beer and some yarn!


The beach...whenever I want to escape...that's my dream place!


the smoky mountains in fall


Sandpiper beach, up by Ocean Shores in Washington State. I love that beach ...


hmmm...I like to dream about my next holiday destination and all the photos I will take there :P

Love the shots of V, they all all so clear (looks like really great weather there) and bright...I guess it's time to take more shots of my boy :)


Yes, our weather was so warm, too. It was lovely. What do I dream about? Unfortunately never good things, so I guess it is more about nightmares for me. You know, all of my teeth crumbling out of my mouth and so forth. But, I am a happy person with a happy life, so I am not sure where that comes from!

spread your wings

such a colorful, bright post.
corny but i like to dream about romantic love.


Oooh Ahhh 65 degrees and no sleeves!! Count us in for the book give away! I often dream about how I would change or remodel our house-if we had lots of money. It's hard to dream on a budget.


Beautiful photos! We had a perfect day outside today. It just needs to get a little warmer so we can go to the beach!

I like to dream about travel. :-)


The Summer Kitchen Girls

We'd like to dream about no more snow!
Great blog!
Karla & Karrie

Mary Beth

What beautiful pictures and what a lovely post. It is hard to say what I dream about...mostly things that I just wish for such as happiness, freedom from worry (ugh...I'm a worrier), health, peace...too many things!

Terry Kearns

After your own kids, you think there can't be any cute left. But the cute just keeps coming.


Oh how fun!

We'd LOVE one!
Amazing pictures.

Arleen @ Seasons for All at Home

An awesome day indeed. What beautiful photographs! Thank you for sharing them with us. ~Arleen

Julia @ Hooked on Houses

What a lovely post--and great giveaway! Such beautiful pictures of V. I wish our weather was that nice here.

Probably won't surprise you to know that I dream about buying beautiful houses. Seriously. That's a recurring dream I've had for years. And I'm always sad when I wake up and realize, oh, not real. :)

Ann Kroeker

Blow some of that 65 degree weather our way, won't you?

What a wonderful memories you're creating, playing and reading and coloring out in God's creation. Beautiful.

Wish I had your ability to work a camera...

Julia @ Hooked on Houses

Tweeted and Stumbled. :)

Mary Jnekins

We had short-sleev weather today,too! Isn't it wonderful?

I like to dream about having a farm with lots of animals, garden vegtables and a porch with a rocking chair on it.

[email protected]


Check out her boots! GO V!
Right now I'm dreaming of being able to go to sleep. :P

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