Inside the aquarium
How much do I love her?

A very tiny giveaway

I was in my backyard just now, taking pictures of yarn to list. It was about to rain so the wind was blowing and the clouds were ominous and I hurried to finish.

But I had to take pictures of the clouds in black and white, because they looked like this.

yarn 003

Excuse the house and the dish and stuff, but what can I do? I live in suburbia (I'm not complaining).

yarn 005

I've given up on the first day of the month in black and white, at least for now. Too many other things going on. But there's still the flickr group and you're more than welcome to come and look or come and join in and that's where I'll be putting all my b&ws from now on.

Today I cleaned off my drum carder after blending some wool so that I could card some more wool and muck it up again. Anyway, I got all these little bits of wool off in various colors that are pretty much good for nothing. So I asked V if she wanted to felt them to make some balls for the cat to play with and she did. So we did.

Then I remembered I had some green left over from the Tink yarn I did (which has sold) and the Tink batts (which haven't). And I thought about the smooth rocks I picked up at the beach in Topsail, NC, a couple of months ago and how I keep meaning to take pictures of them. So I felted some of the Tink leftovers onto one of the rocks.

It turned out pretty.

yarn 024

And I was thinking about it, how the felt covers the rock and it feels really nice in my hand. Felty, but with a bit of weight. And I was thinking about how I've gone from editing other people's words to creating my own yarn. Yarn that I'm proud of, that I love, that I can't wait to get up and do it again tomorrow even though I haven't even started spinning tonight yet.

And today held another blessing because another one of my yarns was on the front page of Etsy, which was wonderful and exciting and made me feel like I've finally answered the elusive question of what I want to do with my life.

So I want to give you advance notice that I'm going to do a yarn giveaway on Shealynn's blog. I think it starts tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll mention it here. She did a giveaway on my blog a while back and now I'm doing one with her. But I also want to give something away myself, a very tiny thing.

Just because.

I want to give away the felt-covered rock. Silly maybe, because it is such a very small thing, but there are a lot of good, positive feelings wrapped up in that little rock. And if you'd like some of those, just leave me a comment telling me why, and I'll choose someone on Saturday. I'll keep the comments open until sometime Saturday morning and then choose someone right after.

Sound good?


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Oh, how pretty! i would love that little, happy rock. I have had the summer from hell at work and have been a stressed out crazy lady. I'd love that little felted rock at my desk to help me have a little more peace and beauty.


I would love a felt covered rock because I think I would find it calming to hold it in my hand, and I need all the calming I can get because I have three completely unplanned weeks at home with all three kids before school starts!


Congrats on many things! :D

I semi-want to say I want the pebble, but I'm not feeling that materialistic right now. And I love the idea that the pebble represents, and I would love to feel it and hold it and know that it's good. But I also know that if I had it right now, it would probably go somewhere in this messy house and blend in and get attacked by a slow accumulation of cat hair and dust, or be hidden away in a box that I probably won't open again for a few months, rather than being appreciated the way it should. And I don't want it to get stuck somewhere like that, so someone else should have it, who will put it in its own clean little spot and smile at it every day or every week.

But I wouldn't mind having a *picture* of the pebble. ;) Because I can put that on my message board or on my desk and not worry about it getting dirty or hidden away. And even though it isn't as tactile as having the pebble itself, it's what would suit my life right now.

So there it is. ;)


Oh, me me me! I would like one please. As long as it can travel via snail mail to Canada. Then I can put it on my desk to remind me of the interwebs and its wonderfulness.


I would love the little felt covered rock because of the story behind it and because I don't think it's silly to want to give something away that means something to you and because when I read your tweet that you were giving away a pebble I laughed and every time I see it it would remind me of that and make me laugh and then when I got tired of laughing I would simply smile and that would be gold.

Also, I love the color green.


i would enjoy it. positive thoughts are tangible - and one can never have too many around oneself. also, it would remind me of someone who found an answer to that elusive question and followed it - as i slowly follow mine. :)

but i also think it might be more needed by someone who spoke of craziness and a need for something calming. :)

rachel whetzel

Mmmmm I can just imagine it... and it makes me happy just thinking about how neat it must feel to hold it... I knew you'd be great at this! So neat to see your transformation...

Andromeda Jazmon

I just love the way you've described it: "how the felt covers the rock and it feels really nice in my hand. Felty, but with a bit of weight. " So we can all imagine the experience. I think I'd like to try felting a rock of my own. Did you give directions and I missed it? Maybe i can just figure it out...

It looks really lovely in your photo. Put my name in the hat please! I'd love to have your little pebble in my hand giving vibes of peace and contentment.


I would enjoy it for what it represents. It would be a reminder to never give up.

Also I could put it with the couple of other rocks that I have (one from a mountain vacation and one from my honeymoon). They sit in my kitchen windowsill and I see them everyday and they make me happy.


I would LOVE to win the felted rock. I just so enjoy reading your posts and seeing your photographs and yarn. I think having a tangible reminder of those lovely things would be so helpful in the long dark winter of tax season (I'm a CPA) and the thought of that lovely felted rock sitting here at my desk with me makes me happy. I'd give it a great home!


Bean and I would fight over it. We're collectors of little treasures. C would try to eat it, but we'd quell that desire with some raisins.

It's lovely!


a little rock felted up with beautifully dyed fleece and a pile of positive thoughts - who wouldn't be happy to win such a treasure?

congrats on being on the cover of etsy again - you certainly do take lovely pictures of yarn!
(have you thought about doing a notecard set of your yarn pictures?)


I think you should be calling this the "really big giveaway" as that lovely little pebble holds so much that it's not so tiny as it might appear. I love beautiful little things like that because they seem small, but to the right person they are massive and mean more than any big gift or gesture.

I have a set of three silver balls. Nothing special about them, just perfectly round and uniform in size. To anyone else they are a seemingly useless decoration, but to me they are incredibly important. It's like having a little secret because only I know just how special they are.

I'm so inspired by your blog, and your yarn adventures. It reminds me every day that when you put your mind to things the world is yours.


This post really expresses the joy you are finding. Congratulations and continued joy and success in your endeavors.


Good and positive feelings are something I'm always in need of! I think I would keep that little, soft rock in my hand for a week when my kids begin school. I miss them so much when they go back after two months of summer vacation.


Are you kidding me? I LOVE the rock. What a wonderful thought Maya.

lisa renata

...because I really need a little bit of good feelings in my simple, little, busy Life. I so do.


Wow, that's amazing that you were on the cover of etsy, and more than once! Lucky you and congrats :D

Oh I'd love a cute little rock! :D

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