Happy weekend!
Saint Grace

Mittens for my kitten

Making my first pair of mittens for V. Finished one yesterday. I made it from a 40-yard sample of yarn that I spun because I wanted to see what the colors looked like together - red, gold & pumpkin. Those are the same colors as in the button in my sidebar on the right there, they're just blended together on my drum carder instead of dyed all on the same bit of wool.

mittens for my kitten 007

I only have that one sample and I used more than half of it on that one mitten. But I have a second sample that looks just like the first one - only there's green in the recipe too. So that's what I'm going to make make the second mitten with, all cute and mismatchy. When the second mitten is done, I'm going to use them to decide which yarn I like best and then make a skein or two of it for the shop.

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Beyond that, today I am pondering the odd lighting that comes with autumn and trying to figure out a quick and easy way to take properly lit and color correct photos of new yarn for my shop without always having to go out in the cold or rain.

I haven't found the optimum solution yet, but Roxy isn't at all minding that I moved the console in front of the dining area window.

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But I think right now it's time for another pumpkin muffin (with Craisins and coconut) and maybe some coffee.


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Those will just be the cutest mittens ever!!


The yarn is lovely Maya!

Fall makes me want baked goods. I have some chocolate chip hazelnut scones in the oven right now from Amy Karol's blog post here: http://angrychicken.typepad.com/angry_chicken/2009/10/hello-chocolate-hazelnut-scone.html

Have you ever tried a gray card to get the white balance/color right? I haven't but heard a tip the other day about using an 18% gray cleaning cloth in place of an expensive gray card and thought maybe I should check that out for those times when I'm frustrated with getting my color right.


Awesome mittens!!!


I just love those mittens! This winter I will knit a pair!


that yarn is stunning! i love it! i think i like the one with green in it even better- can't wait to see how it knits up. gorgeous!
and can i say that pumpkin muffins with cranberry and coconut sound incredible-- did you make them?


that mitten is too sweet. i think the mis-matchy idea is perfect! lily at least never wants anything to match!

love the kitty shot - she's so cute.


Now I'm craving a pumpkin muffin... And new mittens!


Oooooh, it looks very pretty! :) I want to see the next one knit up too!


the yarn and the mittens are just delicious looking :) I think mismatched mittens would be very cute!

Mousy Brown

What gorgeous mittens - which pattern did you use? I have just spun some yarn that needs a special project - little mittens might just do the trick!

Porch Days

I enjoyed browsing at your Etsy shop. It made me wish I had room to set up my loom. I love to work with yarn! We all need to realize there are many ways beyond being an artist to be creative.


I love the mitten - so cute! Not so fond of the green, but I'll wait until the mitten is done. =) Have you checked out the white balance lens cap? It's on my wish list. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=591749&Q=&is=REG&A=details#


Those mittens will be great! My sister-in-law used to give mismatched socks purchased from the Sock Lady as gifts all the time. It was a cute idea, but they weren't very soft and comfy. Those mittens look really soft!


Delicious mitt...can't wait to see its mismatch.


So pretty! Pink and orange are two of my favorite colors together.

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