On the way to the vet
Less hunting, more gathering

Simple Small Bear - FO!

Finally! I finished the Simple Small Bear from The Best-Dressed Knitted Bear! Could I have taken any longer?

Probably. If I'd tried just a little bit harder.

Anyway, here he is in all his glory.

simple bear 007

All my pictures of V with the bear look pretty much like this:

simple bear 017

So R was kind enough to help me out.

simple bear 027

Whew! I'm going to go update my Rav status as soon as I finish this post! Victory is mine!

Ok, so here's the thing - I'm glad I made him, but I'm not so sure that I want to make another. Or really any other sort of knitted stuffed animal. I love them, they're just not my thing.

So I figured I'd give this book away here on the blog because I'm sure there are plenty of people who would enjoy knitting several bears and the outfits that go with them.

simple bear 035

Am I right?

So here are the details to win The Best-Dressed Knitted Bear book:

Your comment is your entry.

If you want to tweet it, Facebook it, blog it, or something-else-I-haven't-thought-of it, go ahead and do that. Just make sure you leave me at least one comment telling me what all you did and with links to where I can find it. That'll get you extra points. If you want to tweet it 10 times, that's way cool, but only the first time will get you an extra point.

Comments will be open until sometime Tuesday morning - whenever I can get to the computer. I'll close the comments then and announce it soon after.

Contest is open to folks around the world. Woot!

Ok...I think that's it.


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So sad I'm not 4 and cannot have a knitted bear by mom! :)

It looks cool!

If this is the result of things that are not "your thing"... wow!
Seriously, even with all the books of the world I think I'd have serious problems even in knitting an arm... a couple of Sicilian women tried to make me learn knitting but I'm really unable and they both gave up! I'm not patient enough, probably. Sigh! :(

[I have not read the rules to win the book because I'm no interested in it. I just wanted to leave a comment. If the comment is a way to get the book, delete me from the "possible winners"]


ha ha - i totally agree with you about knitting stuffed animals or toys of any sort!
i don't want to win the book, but i do want to tell you how completely adorable your bear is! it's perfect!


Oh, he's precious! And a great idea to pass the book along, too. :)

Love and Laughter, Amy

he's adorable. but not as adorable as your beautiful girlie :-)
psst! i love seeing pictures of your life. miss you bunches.


Your bear is adorable and so is Miss V. If you happen to draw me?? Draw again!! I still haven't finished the scarf that I started over a year ago.

Sandra Olensky

Bear is adorable, really, you are soooo talented, but he's not as adorable as the little girl holding him! WOW, can she possibly be that big? Has it been that long since I've seen you guys? My medical roller coaster ride is almost over (yay) so we'll have to get together soon! Hugs and kisses to You, R and V! :)

Mary Smith

That is such a cute bear!! I can tell your daughter loves it too.


Super Cute Bear!

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