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Love to knit? Have a knitting blog? Not too busy? A working giveaway

Hiya! I want to have a giveaway - let's call it a working giveaway ... or maybe a collaboration. Yeah, that sounds nice. I want to have a collaboration!

Here's what I need - someone who:

  • would like to try my handspun yarn
  • has a blog that is at least a bit about your knitting or crochet
  • has the time to knit/crochet a small project within the next month
  • is willing to blog about the project with photos and links I provide

If this sounds like you, then leave a comment and I'll pick one person. You'll receive one skein of yarn of your choice from either of my shops, knit up a project of your choice (it can be your own design, but the pattern needs to be available online - does not have to be a free pattern, but must be available) , and blog about it within a month from when you get the yarn.

Anybody game? Comments will close sometime on Sunday, June 13, and I'll email the winner once I close the comments.


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Me! ME ME! Pleeease! *raises hand very high and waves* I am dieing to try your yarn!!!!! :D

Christina Bieloh

I am definitely game! I have been drooling over your beautiful yarns for some time now. This is great timing for me as well as I am trying to really build my blog right now. I have started a project where I am going to knit all the patterns in this new Joy of Sox book and blog about the process. I always have several things going though, and I'd love to blog about your yarn! What a great idea to promote your yarn as well! Good luck! :)


What a fun giveaway/collaboration :D

Ellen Gormley

I'll give it a go! It would be crochet. I have a large following on my blog. Do I get to keep the item I make? Do you care if I sell the pattern as a PDF on Ravelry?

Kathryn | Alpacamundo

Yes! Yes! Me! Me! Me! Pick Me! I will do a special Fiber Arts Friday post... which by the way, I haven't seen you there in a while.

My first thought would be a baby hat, since we have one coming in November. And by we, I mean my sister is having the baby. I will be knitting a hat. ;-)


Hi Ellen!

You do get to keep the item you make and I don't mind if you sell the pattern on Ravelry. :)


Oh me, me!! *grin* I love your handspun yarn and I would love to do a crochet project for you :) I've got a couple of projects on my to do list I'd love to try out. What a fun giveaway/project!


I would be so all over this...but, I'm moving at the end of the month and no extra time. But it looks like you've got some great volunteers. And I retweeted it - can't wait to see what more people do with your yarns and fibers.


oooooh, i would love nothing more than to collaborate with you! :) what a fun and exciting giveaway!! you're so clever. and smart. and pretty...
and no, i am totally not above buttering you up so i can win :)

Kim Andersen

i have an art blog with knitting interspersed here and there - i'd love to get picked :)

nikki c

I sell all my designs on etsy and post like crazy about what I make on my Facebook and Twitter pages. Check me out http://www.fiercehook.com


I want to comment, because I think this is such a great idea---but I also want to say "Don't pick me!" because whatever I make will not be a good advertisement for your beautiful yarn! And I'm not being modest!!


How awesome ~ well, you know I love your handspun, have a blog devoted to knitting and have time to knit, take photos etc.... over the next month would be great!


I would love to do it - I am new to blogging world but would still love it. I am also a spinner if you're looking for someone to spin and blog.


OMG, that sounds cool. I can totally do THAT. I would do it anyway if I used your yarn in a project, actually. So I guess I win regardless, since I do have some of your yarn around here, and eventually I will use it ... ;)

Anjali (BloreKnitter on Ravelry)

This sounds interesting. I am eager to take this up. Your post doesn't specify whether this is an international give away, so just let me inform you that I am from India. Shipping costs are high, so you may not want to consider me for the draw.

maya | springtree road

According to the US Post Office website, a 6 ounce package to India costs less than $6 to ship. Yes, it's a couple of dollars more than to the US and Canada, but it seems reasonable to me. So I will enter you. :) Might take a while to get there though....


You spin the most beautiful yarn. I would love to collaborate with you. Fingers crossed!


I'm game! I love your yarn :)


I'd love to!!!!!

Plain and Joyful Living

I would love to knit up one of the vests from this pattern (http://thriftyknitter.com/?p=223) with your gorgeous yarn - I would also blog about it - I am getting about 350 - 450 visitors/day.
Warm wishes, Tonya

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