A collaboration
All by herself

Matching handspun yarn/project bags!

So Alecia (from madbird) and I came up with a really fun idea - matching a project bag with handspun yarn!

hedgie love 3

Alecia chose two hedgehog patterns and I dyed up some wool to match the colors in the fabric. This is Hedgie Love.

hedgie love 1

This being our first collaboration, we have only made four kits - and two of them have already sold! They went on sale this morning at 10am. This one is called Quills.

quills 2

We're not planning to make more kits in this pattern (though we do have other plans for August/September - more about that in July!) so when they're gone, they are gone, baby!

quills 3

So, what do you think? Cool idea? I'm totally psyched. They look so cute together!


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Sosae Caetano

How beautiful! Two beautiful and talented ladies coming together at last! :) The bags and yarn are quiet charming. They have my heart.


gorgeous gorgeous!
it's perfect!


Love them SO much!

Christina Bieloh

Very cool idea - and they look beautiful together!

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