Bees & giveaway(s)!!
Happy Caturday!

A carousel with cats

Last weekend we were looking for something to do and R hit on the idea of going to a local mall that has a merry-go-round. V said she wanted a merry-go-round with cats. 

v Chattanooga 121

We told her we weren't sure about finding one of those, but we'd find something fun to do.

R found Coolidge Park in Chattanooga, TN. It's a really pretty park with lots of cool things to do on a hot day.

v Chattanooga 128

It's by the river...

v Chattanooga 150

...and has lots of pretty green space.

v Chattanooga 157

And an indoor carousel - $1 a ride.

v Chattanooga 211

And the carousel had two cats.

v Chattanooga 168

V rode 4 times. Or was it 5?

v Chattanooga 173

It was a beautiful carousel with so much detail.

v Chattanooga 218

R and I kept saying that we wish there were a park like this near where we live. Or that we could move to Chattanooga.

v Chattanooga 276

I miss Tennessee.


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Kathryn | Alpacamundo

I love carousel's. I always have to ride it at least once when ever we go to an amusement park.


gorgeous pictures - especially that first one, what great lines!

and i'm so glad you were able to find a carousel with cats! we have one here in town that has one cat and i was going to suggest you drive up here and ride it with us, but chattanooga is probably an easier trip for y'all.


Oh! I love the cat carrying the kitten!

Sosae Caetano

Beeeyoootiful! How awesome that little V got her wish. :) How far is Chattanooga from where you live? We have to visit them eastern states some day... :)

amy turn sharp



Well looks at that...cats on a carousel. Too bad she didn't ask for a million dollars!

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