Gotta Travel On


I found a gorgeous Polaroid SX-70 at an antique store a few months ago for just about the best price imaginable. And a lovely blog reader was way too kind to send me some 600 film to go with it. You have to modify it a bit to use that film with that camera and so I finally, finally got around to doing that yesterday.


It's not really going so well. Too light, too dark, blurry, bright spots, dark spots.

But I shall keep trying until I either get it or run out of film. I might ask someone more knowledgeable if they know what else I can try.

I have an idea for a project for 2011. A photography project. I have a few film cameras and I think I'm going to use them. I wanted to learn to develop my own film, but I might have another little project going that could keep me from that for at least the next year. But we'll see. No promises.


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Happy Birthday, Maya! (I am SOOOO curious about your new little project. Hmmmm.....)

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