Yarn all around
18 December 2010
I'm so very ready for 2011. I feel like I'm done with this year and I'm impatient for it to be over. I have 3 new projects I want to work on next year. New avenues for my business, photography, and family. That may be too much for me to accomplish in one year. If so, it'll be the photography project that gets pushed aside, as it has for the last 2 years.
I just now spun this yarn here. It's going to be called Moshi, similar to this roving, but in Corriedale X instead of superwash.
A little while ago I had an epiphany about my business and since then I've been overwhelmed by all the possibilities and choices I have to make and the new things I have to learn. Sometimes I wish there were someone who would just tell me what to do and in what order to do it. I'd like to be able to press the EASY button, please. Pretty please?
This is the active single. You spin the yarn, wind it on the niddy noddy, tie it up, take it off and this is what bounces out at you. That's my favorite part. With the ties in place, it's a controlled chaos.
I'm not someone who can just relax and know that the answers will come to me. It's in my head every waking moment, driving me a little crazy, until I can figure it out, get my process down, know that it's going to succeed. It's not a headache, it's personal growth really, but my head feels full. And I expect I'll have that feeling for the next several months, if not longer.
I took that controlled chaos of yarn and wound it into a hank - the simplest form for the yarn to take. Then I'll set the twist so it'll stick.
Now I just need to do the same inside my head. Control the chaos, find the simplest form for this to take, then set the twist. On to 2011...
that spinning process is a great (& pretty) analogy to inner growth!
Posted by: annri | 18 December 2010 at 08:35 PM
oh dear maya, this post made me smile just for you. i have so enjoyed watching your business grow and flourish - you have such amazing talents, i can not wait to see where you take yourself in 2011!
this seems the perfect time to say how much you inspire me - your photography, your parenting, how you took an idea and made it into an amazing business. hooray you!!
Posted by: melissa | 19 December 2010 at 10:40 AM
I love the way you went back and forth here. And I'm excited and curious about your plans for next year. Wishing you all the best in 2011.
Posted by: Kim | 19 December 2010 at 02:08 PM
It's always RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Doink! Then you know the way. It does not happen overnight.
The magic amalgam for balance doesn't happen on it's own. It takes at least 3-5 years for a business to really grown & hit it's stride. Like waiting for bread to rise....it's all worth it in the end.
Posted by: Sayra | 19 December 2010 at 07:46 PM
I love this post - I can relate to so many aspects of it... like having way more projects and ideas than time... and that "active single" comparison - Yes! I totally get that. Controlled chaos. Wrapped up in beautiful possibilities. Yay.
Posted by: Victoria | 19 December 2010 at 09:51 PM
Excellent writing, Maya. What a difference between photos 2 and 3 - amazing! And i hope your twist gets set in 2011...
Posted by: Jude Cowell | 21 December 2010 at 07:11 PM