Happy Caturday!
Coke bottle bird feeder

Like bread for jam

Today I'm baking bread. I have no idea how it's going to turn out. Maybe awful.

v like bread for jam 008

I saw the Oat Soda Bread recipe on 101 Cookbooks and thought I'd try it because it takes almost zero time to mix it up.

The thing is, I don't have any buttermilk in my house. I don't even have any cow milk in my house. I have rice milk and I have vanilla almond milk. I used the vanilla almond milk because it's thicker like buttermilk. I didn't put lemon juice in it to try to make buttermilk because of the vanilla. That just sounded yuck to me.

So I have no idea how this little experiment is going to go, but since it took me almost zero time to mix it up...

v like bread for jam 010

Yesterday we went to IKEA and bought these jams. So some good homemade bread to go with it would be nice.

I'll let you know how it turns out...

In the meantime, if you have any tried & true vegan bread recipes, do share!


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A Forest Frolic

It looks delicious...hope it turns out good!

Jamie :)

Kathryn | Alpacamundo

There's nothing quite like home made bread. You have me wishing I had some right now. :-P

I hope it turned out well.

Jude Cowell

Pass a buttered chunk this way... ;p


no recipes to share, but that bread looks fantastic!!


Those jams look very tasty!

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