Things I saw on Saturday
La Vie En Rose

New camera!

Just playing with my new camera today. I got this bobbin at my favorite local antique mart. 

old bobbin

And here's my halfway spun Lai Grai batt - slowly making a 2-ply.

new bobbin

Here's some Moultrie Sock that will be in my next update, which should be next week.

moultrie sock

And Moultrie again - left to right that's Lingonberry Jam, Kohl, Tanis, Shiraz, and Olivine. So soft and lovely.

moultrie sock yarn

I'm trying to think of someplace fun to go this weekend to shoot some pictures. Hmmm...


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Beautiful! :)


Yay! You got it! So looking forward to your images - even more than normal. Happy Shooting!


fun fun - so what kind of camera did you get?
(and may i suggest minnesota for your weekend photoshoot :) we have lots of things to take pictures of up here!)

Only in Louisiana ~ documenting the adventures we call life

would love to know what kind of camera you got! Lens too! Your yarn is beautiful.....keep it coming.


Yay, new camera! Whadja get???


Oooooh, what did you get!!!

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