Happy Caturday!
Kohl for R

Name this yarn base - win a free skein!

I have a new yarn base in my possession. I'm dropping everything else to start dyeing it on Monday. I'm so very thrilled with it.

And I'd like your help naming it.

Name Me

About the yarn - it's DK weight, 100% Superwash Merino, single ply, super soft and squishy. So exciting! It's a single! Singles remind me of handpun yarn. I've been wanting to add a single ply hand-dyed yarn to my shop for a good year now.

But back to the name. I'm all give out! Thinking of baby names! Yarn colorway names! Names for all the cats and dogs that V wants to get! I do a lot of naming. So I would love your input.

I have a naming theme going on for my yarn bases - Southern things - Julep (as in mint), Praline (as in pecan), Muscadine (as in vine). I've also used place names - Navarre is a little town in Florida (where R & I honeymooned) and Philomath is a little town in Georgia. I intend to stay with the Southern theme. 

Unique names are best (there are plenty of yarn bases named "magnolia" and "hummingbird"). Place names, food names, pretty names, something else I haven't thought of - all good as long as it feels particularly Southern US.

While I can't promise that I will definitely pick one of your suggestions (though I want to and I very well may), I can promise that I will pick a winner and send that person pictures of the colorways I dye next week before I list them in my shop, let you choose one skein as a prize, and then send it to you (anywhere, worldwide). So you get first dibs! And the first chance to knit with my new yummy yarn base!

So...ideas? Show me what you've got! Just leave a comment before Wednesday, November 16th, at 8pm Eastern and I'll consider it. Thanks so much!


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Mmm, looks like buttercream. Not that I need any yarn!


Sweet Tea... there is nothing more southern :)


The yarn looks gorgeous even undyed :) How about Brier Creek (a tributary of the Savannah River) as a name?

Hannah G

Tara, a la Gone With the Wind!


This looks so beautiful, so soft and cuddly ! As soon as I saw it I thought "Desire" :) and then I red the rest of the story ..! And went'...like hmmm...

well.... maybe "shelly" or "shells"
or .... "wheat", "oatmeal", sandstone", "mother of pearl", "pearl"(i like this one)

wait...I misunderstood ..! LOL...NAME THE YARN !! I was picking a name for this color ! lol..okay...let me see...


linda roller

Southern....Sugar pie


My first two thoughts are either Myrtle (after Crape Myrtle trees or the beach) or Buttermilk.

Nancy Ferreira Mejia

Winter Wonderland


I can't help it and see "whipped cream" when I look at that squishy yummyness! :)
I know that does not go with your "southern" theme, but there you have it! :)


Oh, that looks delicious. One of the many things I've fallen in love with since moving to the South is the abundance of fresh field peas in summer. I'd never even seen such a thing before. How about Butterbean?

Antonia Markiet

Possibly French Quarter is too obvious, but it's pretty.

Auntie Sally K

Oh, no contest: Honey Pie! Love you Sugar!


heyyy ! how about "Heart of Palm" !?


"Siesta Sand" ;)


"seagrape", "elephang grass", sand spurr",

Kelly Coulson

Augustina - as in St. Augustine. It's the first thing that came to my mind and makes my heart yearn for one of my favorite places to visit in Florida. The Spanish Fort, the lighthouse, and the oh so addictive Crucial Coffee House - I loves me some St. Augustine.


How about Persimmon, Jambalaya, or Shoofly? (I was gonna say Sugar Maple, but found some yarns with that name on rav already...)


Savannah. We always stopped there on our way down to my grandmother's house and it seems like a city of swimming pools, boiled peanuts and fireworks.


Coquina -- they are the little clams that live right where the waves break; when the waves wash away the sand, they quickly dig right back in. They come in beautiful colors and make a lovely sound as the waves rattle them together.


Its soft and squishy and warm and snugly...maybe "Comfort Food" or "Southern Comfort". "Smoky Mountains" conveys that earthy, folk appeal I think.

(((((HUGS)))))  sandi


(((((HUGS)))))  sandi

OOPS! wrong site~it's private anyway~titus2woman.wordpress.com

(((((HUGS)))))  sandi



The first thing that came to my mind was Blanche. Reminds me, of course, of the fabulously Southern Golden Girl, and also the character in a Streetcar Named Desire.

Ursa Hawthorne

Orleans, or Acadia, or Roanoke.

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